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woman, behold, your son ...' - saying of Christ on the cross (73D6251)
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Can Newydd yn Gosod Allan Enedigaeth a Marwolaeth Crist printer: Hugh Humphreys about 1830-1860 National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion | |
Regina Apostolorum OPN artist: Philip Hagreen School of Art Collection, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion | |
Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd designer: E. Liddall Armitage designer: Marjorie Walters 1960 Church of St Mary, Swanseanorth wall of the Lady Chapel | |
Scenes from the Life of St John the Evangelist firm/studio: Samuel Evans about 1873 Church of St John the Evangelist, Maindee, Newporteast wall of the south aisle | |
The Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and St John firm/studio: Burlison & Grylls about 1884 Church of St Mary, Undy, Monmouthshireeast wall of the chancel |
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