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The artworks on this Database are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.


11H(AELHAIARN) St Aelhaiarn 2 artworks.
11H(AFAN) St Afan 1 artwork.
11H(ALBAN) St Alban 10 artworks.
11H(ALOYSIUS GONZAGA) St Aloysius Gonzaga 1 artwork.
11H(AMBROSE) St Ambrose, bishop of Milan 3 artworks.
11H(ANDREW) St Andrew, apostle 19 artworks.
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA) St Antony of Padua 2 artworks.
11H(ASAPH) St Asaph 13 artworks.
11H(AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY) St Augustine of Canterbury 1 artwork.
11H(AUGUSTINE) St Augustine, bishop of Hippo 5 artworks.
11H(BARNABAS) St Barnabas of Cyprus, first bishop of Milan 10 artworks.
11H(BARTHOLOMEW) St Bartholomew, apostle 3 artworks.
11H(BASIL THE GREAT) St Basil the Great (Basilius Magnus), bishop of Caesarea 1 artwork.
11H(BENEDICT) St Benedict of Nurcia 2 artworks.
11H(BERNARD) St Bernard of Clairvaux 1 artwork.
11H(BEUNO) St Beuno 4 artworks.
11H(BODFAN) St Bodfan 1 artwork.
11H(BONAVENTURA) St Bonaventura 1 artwork.
11H(BOTOLPH) St Botolph 1 artwork.
11H(CADFAN) St Cadfan, abbot of Bardsey 3 artworks.
11H(CADOG) St Cadog 2 artworks.
11H(CADWALADR) St Cadwaladr 1 artwork.
11H(CANUTE) St Canute 1 artwork.
11H(CARANNOG) St Carannog 1 artwork.
11H(CENYDD) St Cenydd 3 artworks.
11H(CHAD) St Chad 1 artwork.
11H(CHARLES BORROMEO) St Charles Borromeo, cardinal of Milan 1 artwork.
11H(CHRISTOPHER) St Christopher, the giant and martyr Christophorus 3 artworks.
11H(CHRISTOPHER)51 St Christopher, with the infant Christ on his shoulders 5 artworks.
11H(CHRYSANTHUS) St Chrysanthus 1 artwork.
11H(CLEMENT) Clement I, pope and martyr 1 artwork.
11H(COLUMBA) St Columba 2 artworks.
11H(CONSTANTINE) Constantine the Great, Roman emperor 2 artworks.
11H(CYBI) St Cybi 2 artworks.
11H(CYNDEYRN) St Cyndeyrn, or Kentigern 1 artwork.
11H(DAVID) St David 94 artworks.
11H(DEINIOL) St Deiniol 16 artworks.
11H(DEMETRIUS) St Demetrius 1 artwork.
11H(DENYS) St Denys of France 1 artwork.
11H(DOGFAN) St Dogfan 1 artwork.
11H(DOGMAEL) St Dogmael 1 artwork.
11H(DYFRIG) St Dyfrig 7 artworks.
11H(EDMUND) St Edmund, king of East Anglia and martyr 3 artworks.
11H(EDWARD) Edward the Confessor 2 artworks.
11H(EDWARD)511 St Edward the Confessor gives his ring to St John the Evangelist 1 artwork.
11H(FIDELIS) St Fidelis of Sigmaringen 1 artwork.
11H(FRANCIS) St Francis of Assisi 13 artworks.
11H(GEORGE) St George 32 artworks.
11H(GEORGE)41 St George and the dragon 13 artworks.
11H(GERMANUS) St Germanus of Auxerre, or Garmon 2 artworks.
11H(GILDAS) St Gildas 1 artwork.
11H(GILES) St Giles 1 artwork.
11H(GREGORY THE ENLIGHTENER) St Gregory the Enlightener, or Illuminator, apostle of Armenia 1 artwork.
11H(GREGORY) St Gregory the Great 1 artwork.
11H(GREGORY)51 The mass of St Gregory the Great: Christ appears above the altar with the instruments of the Passion; maybe blood spouts from Christ's side 1 artwork.
11H(GUDWAL) St Gudwal 1 artwork.
11H(GWYNAN) St Gwynan 1 artwork.
11H(GWYNHOEDL) St Gwynhoedl 1 artwork.
11H(GWYNLLYW) St Gwynllyw 2 artworks.
11H(GWYNNO) St Gwynno 1 artwork.
11H(HUGH OF LINCOLN) St Hugh of Lincoln 1 artwork.
11H(IDLOES) St Idloes 1 artwork.
11H(IGNATIUS) St Ignatius of Loyola 1 artwork.
11H(ILLTUD) St Illtud 10 artworks.
11H(JAMES THE GREAT) James the Great, apostle 24 artworks.
11H(JAMES THE LESS) James the Less, apostle 1 artwork.
11H(JEROME) St Jerome (Hieronymus) 3 artworks.
11H(JOHN CHRYSOSTOM) St John Chrysostom, the archbishop of Constantinople 1 artwork.
11H(JOHN OF THE CROSS) St John of the Cross 1 artwork.
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST) St John the Baptist 58 artworks.
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST)2 St John the Baptist as a child 16 artworks.
11H(JOHN) St John the Evangelist, apostle 107 artworks.
11H(JOHN)12 St John the Evangelist writing the Gospel. 4 artworks.
11H(JOSEPH OF ARIMATHAEA) St Joseph of Arimathaea, Jewish councillor 4 artworks.
11H(JOSEPH) St Joseph of Nazareth, foster-father of Christ 14 artworks.
11H(JOSEPH)11 St Joseph as foster-father of Christ 3 artworks.
11H(JUDE THADDAEUS) St Jude Thaddaeus, apostle 6 artworks.
11H(JULIAN) St Julian the Hospitaller (Julian(us) Hospitator) 1 artwork.
11H(LAURENCE) St Laurence, martyr and deacon of Rome 3 artworks.
11H(LLEUDDAD) St Lleuddad, abbot of Bardsey 1 artwork.
11H(LLWCHAIARN) St Llwchaiarn 1 artwork.
11H(LONGINUS) St Longinus, centurion of Caesarea 2 artworks.
11H(LUKE) St Luke the evangelist 40 artworks.
11H(LUKE)12 St Luke writing his gospel 3 artworks.
11H(LUKE)121 St Luke writing his gospel, St Paul present 2 artworks.
11H(MAEL) St Mael 1 artwork.
11H(MAGLORIUS) St Maglorius 1 artwork.
11H(MARK) St Mark (Marcus) the evangelist, and bishop of Alexandria 12 artworks.
11H(MARK)12 St Mark the evangelist writing the Gospel 3 artworks.
11H(MARK)121 St Mark writing the Gospel, Peter present 1 artwork.
11H(MARTIN) St Martin(us), bishop of Tours 6 artworks.
11H(MARTIN)41 St Martin divides his cloak 4 artworks.
11H(MATTHEW) St Matthew (Mattheus), apostle and evangelist 12 artworks.
11H(MATTHEW)12 St Matthew writing the Gospel 6 artworks.
11H(MATTHIAS) St Matthias, apostle and martyr 6 artworks.
11H(MAURICE) St Maurice of Agaunum 1 artwork.
11H(NICHOLAS) St Nicholas of Myra 11 artworks.
11H(OSWALD) St Oswald, king of Northumbria and martyr 3 artworks.
11H(PADARN) St Padarn 5 artworks.
11H(PATRICK) St Patrick 10 artworks.
11H(PAUL) Paul of Tarsus, apostle 78 artworks.
11H(PAUL)12 St Paul writing his epistles 2 artworks.
11H(PAULINUS) St Paulinus 2 artworks.
11H(PEBLIG) St Peblig 1 artwork.
11H(PERIS) St Peris 2 artworks.
11H(PETER) St Peter, apostle and first bishop of Rome 93 artworks.
11H(PHILIP) St Philip, apostle 4 artworks.
11H(POTENTINUS) St Potentinus 1 artwork.
11H(PUDENS) St Pudens 1 artwork.
11H(RHYCHWYN) St Rhychwyn 1 artwork.
11H(RHYSTUD) St Rhystud 1 artwork.
11H(SANNAN) St Senan 2 artworks.
11H(SEBASTIAN)621 St Sebastian pierced by arrows 1 artwork.
11H(SEIRIOL) St Seiriol 5 artworks.
11H(SILAS) St Silas 1 artwork.
11H(SIMEON) St Simeon Christophorus (the Just, the Grey) 2 artworks.
11H(SIMON) St Simon Zelotes (or Simon the Canaanite), apostle 5 artworks.
11H(STEPHEN) St Stephen, deacon and (proto)martyr 20 artworks.
11H(SULIEN) St Sulien 1 artwork.
11H(TADIOC) St Tadioc 1 artwork.
11H(TEILO) St Teilo 9 artworks.
11H(THEODORE) St Theodore 2 artworks.
11H(THOMAS BECKET) St Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury and martyr 2 artworks.
11H(THOMAS BECKET)68 St Thomas Becket, martyrdom 1 artwork.
11H(THOMAS) St Thomas, apostle 7 artworks.
11H(TIMOTHY)2 St Timothy - early life 2 artworks.
11H(TWROG) St Twrog 1 artwork.
11H(TYDECHO) St Tydecho 2 artworks.
11H(TYDECHO)6 St Tydecho - martyrdom, suffering 1 artwork.
11H(TYSILIO) St Tysilio 1 artwork.

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Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

This database and its contents are copyright © 2008-2025 by University of Wales Trinity Saint David, unless otherwise noted. Copyright information

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