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The artworks on this Database are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.


73F3142 martyrdom and death of James 'the Less' or 'Adelphotheos': James is stoned, or beaten to death (with a fuller's club) 1 artwork.
73F352 Stephen giving alms 1 artwork.
73F353 Stephen preaching (and baptizing) 1 artwork.
73F3563 the stoning of Stephen; the witnesses lay down their clothes at Saul's feet 5 artworks.
73F3566 burial of Stephen 1 artwork.

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Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

This database and its contents are copyright © 2008-2025 by University of Wales Trinity Saint David, unless otherwise noted. Copyright information

Database, software and website development by Technoleg Taliesin Cyf. © 2008-2025