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The artworks on this Database are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.
11G11 Seraphim 29 artworks.
11G18 the seven Archangels 1 artwork.
11G181 group of four Archangels 3 artworks.
11G182 group of three canonical Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael 7 artworks.
11G183 the Archangel Michael 81 artworks.
11G184 the Archangel Gabriel 36 artworks.
11G185 the Archangel Raphael 17 artworks.
11G186(BARACHIEL) Barachiel, archangel 1 artwork.
11G186(JEHUDIEL) Jehudiel, archangel 1 artwork.
11G186(URIEL) Uriel, archangel 5 artworks.
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