Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Anglesey
Diocese of Bangor
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SH24728263
Late medieval church standing within the walls of a Roman fort, and traditionally thought to be a sixth-century monastic foundation by Cybi. Tower seventeenth century. Restored in the nineteenth century by Gilbert Scott.
view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)
view on the Church Heritage Cymru website
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People associated with this site
as architect: George Gilbert Scott
View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
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Artworks at this site:
St Michael Overcoming the Devil with Angels firm/studio: Morris & Co. 1921 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Anglesey | |
St John the Baptist and St Martin Dividing his Cloak designer: Hugh Easton 1950 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Angleseysouth wall of south aisle | |
Tree of Life firm/studio: Morris & Co. about 1897 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Angleseyeast wall of the St David's Chapel | |
Christ Holding a Living Cross with the Virgin Mary and St John firm/studio: Morris & Co. 1927 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Angleseyeast wall of north aisle | |
Christ with a Boy Scout firm/studio: Celtic Studios 1982 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Angleseynorth wall of the north aisle | |
Scenes from the Resurrection of Christ firm/studio: C.E. Kempe 1897 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Angleseyeast wall of the chancel | |
Christ the Good Shepherd with St Peter and St John artist: John J. Jennings 1904 Church of St Cybi, Holyhead, Angleseysouth wall of south aisle |
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