Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff

formerly in: Glamorgan

Diocese of Llandaff

N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.

Site OS Grid Ref: ST18277641

Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff Cardiff_StJohn_DSC8962B.jpg Photo © Martin Crampin

Photo © Martin Crampin

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Church (Anglican)

Medieval (largely fifteenth century) but originally chapel-of-ease to St Mary's. Rebuilt mid-fifteenth century. Tower around 1490, restored 1976. Chancel rebuilt 1887 to the designs of John Prichard of Llandaff. Outer aisles 1889-91 by Kempson & Fowler. Chancel screen 1911.

view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)

view on the Church Heritage Cymru website

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People associated with this site
   as architect: John Prichard
   as architect: Charles Busteed Fowler
   as architect: F. R. Kempson

View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
View this record on the Imaging the Saints of Wales database

Artworks at this site:
  Christ with the Virgin and Child, St John the Baptist, St Luke and St David Christ with the Virgin and Child, St John the Baptist, St Luke and St David
designer: Ninian Comper
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
east wall of the chancel
  Melchizedek with Aaron, Abraham, Isaiah and Peter Melchizedek with Aaron, Abraham, Isaiah and Peter
designer: John Prichard
artist: William Goscombe John
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
  The Adoration of the Magi with the Annunciation and the Visitation The Adoration of the Magi with the Annunciation and the Visitation
designer: Ninian Comper
about 1920
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
Chapel of the Order of St John
  Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and St John Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and St John
artist: Frank Roper
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
Lady Chapel
  Scenes from the Life of St John the Baptist Scenes from the Life of St John the Baptist
firm/studio: William Miller
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
  Christ the Good Shepherd with St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist Christ the Good Shepherd with St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist
patron: John Patrick Crichton-Stuart
firm/studio: Lavers, Barraud & Westlake
about 1890
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
east wall of the Lady Chapel
  St John the Evangelist with Moses and St Paul St John the Evangelist with Moses and St Paul
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
  Christ and St Mary Magdalene at the House of Simon the Leper Christ and St Mary Magdalene at the House of Simon the Leper
artist: W. F. Dixon
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
north wall of the north aisle
  Christ the Good Shepherd Greeting the Sick and the Lame Christ the Good Shepherd Greeting the Sick and the Lame
artist: W. F. Dixon
about 1890
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
  St Michael with King David and St Cecilia St Michael with King David and St Cecilia
artist: Clement Skilbeck
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
north wall of the north aisle

Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff height=

Photo © Martin Crampin

Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

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