Church of St Katharine and St Peter, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire
Diocese of St Davids
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SM90870575
Church (Anglican)
1803 for Charles Francis Greville's new town. Consecrated by Bishop Thomas Burgess of St Davids 14 October 1808. Architect the French shipwright Jean-Louis Barrallier and/or his son Charles, exiles from the regime of Napoleon I. Cost £2998. Refenestrated 1866-7 by F. Wehnert. Nave extended & new chancel 1906-7 by Wood & Gaskell of Milford. The dedication to St Katherine was a compliment to William Price, barrister, and nephew of Bishop Shute Barrington of Durham (where Bishop Burgess of St Davids was a prebendary) who had given £400 towards the building costs. Price was Master of St Katharine's Hospital near the Tower of London.
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