Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swansea
formerly in: Glamorgan
Diocese of Swansea & Brecon
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SS47959002
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Artworks at this site:
St Barnabas, St Edward the Confessor and St Mary Magdalene of Florence firm/studio: Lavers, Westlake and Co. designer: Nathaniel Hubert John Westlake 1905 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseawest wall | |
Scenes from the Resurrection of Christ firm/studio: Clayton & Bell about 1867 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseaeast wall of the chancel | |
The Annunciation about 1867-1870 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseasouth wall of the sanctuary | |
St George and King David about 1867-1870 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseanorth wall of the sanctuary | |
St George and the Dragon about 1867 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseapulpit, south wall | |
Dorcas firm/studio: Celtic Studios 1978 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseasouth wall of the nave | |
Agnus Dei about 1867-1870 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseaeast wall of the north transept | |
Scenes from the Resurrection of Christ firm/studio: William Miller about 1867 Church of St George, Reynoldston, Swanseanorth wall af the north transept |
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