Caldey Abbey, Caldey Island, Pembrokeshire
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SS142966
Abbey founded 1906 by Anglican Benedictines, who converted to Roman Catholicism 1913. Sold 1928 to Cistercians of Chimay, Belgium. Church 1909-10, by John Coates Carter. The Abbey church was burned out 1940, and restored 1951.
view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)
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People associated with this site
as architect: John Coates Carter
View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
View this record on the Imaging the Saints of Wales database
Artworks at this site:
Virgin and Child and St Benedict artist: Theodore Baily about 1920-1928 Caldey Abbey, Caldey Islandcloister | |
Instruments of the Passion and the Veronica artist: Theodore Baily about 1920-1928 Caldey Abbey, Caldey Islandcloister | |
The Sacred Heart of Christ and the Crown of Thorns artist: Theodore Baily about 1920-1928 Caldey Abbey, Caldey Islandcloister | |
Stations of the Cross about 1960-1970 Caldey Abbey, Caldey Islandcloister | |
Virgin and Child artist: possibly Eric Gill artist: probably Theodore Baily about 1920-1928 Caldey Abbey, Caldey IslandAbbey common room | |
Figure of the Dead Christ Caldey Abbey, Caldey Island Abbot's Chapel |
Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales
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