St Catherine and Saints
about 1910 Five-light window with standing figures of saints. From left to right: Brigitta (Brigid of Ireland) holding a cross and book with an ox below; Nicholas holding three purses on a book; Catherine with book, sword and her wheel; and David and Botolph, both holding models of their churches.The upper parts of the central three lights show the figures of Gabriel and Mary (the Annunciation) either side of a depiction of the Trinity: God the father supporting Christ on the cross with the dove of the Holy Spirit. Also shields with the chalice with the host, the dove of the Holy Sprit over the waters of baptism, another symbol of the Trinity and the arms of the Diocese of St Davids. technique: stained glass Church of St Katharine and St Peter, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire east wall of the chancel |
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- St Botolph
- St Brigid (Bridget) of Ireland
- St Catherine of Alexandria, virgin martyr
- St David
- St Nicholas of Myra
- Trinity in which God the Father and Christ are represented as persons, the Holy Ghost as dove - God the Father holding the crucifix
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Thomas Lloyd, Julian Orbach and Robert Scourfield, The Buildings of Wales: Pembrokeshire (New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2004), p. 290.
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