Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
Diocese of Monmouth (formerly: Llandaff)
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SO30111414
Benedictine Priory founded 1087 by Hamelin de Ballon, benefactor of the Benedictine abbey of St Vincent, Le Mans, of which house Abergavenny became a dependency. The church was rebuilt during the fourteenth century by John, Lord Hastings. Restored 1828 and again 1881–2 by Thomas Nicholson of Hereford. Restored again in 1896 by E.A. Johnson.
For the history of the medieval priory see Monastic Wales.
view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)
view on the Church Heritage Cymru website
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People associated with this site
as architect: Edwin Arthur Johnson
View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
View this record on the Imaging the Saints of Wales database
Artworks at this site:
Crucifix designer: Frank Roper Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire | |
Virgin and Child with St Christopher and St Michael designer: F. C. Eden artist: George Daniels 1922 Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshireeast wall of the chancel | |
The Crucifixion Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire north aisle | |
The Adoration of the Shepherds and the Magi and Scenes from the Early Life of Christ firm/studio: William Morris & Co (Westminster) designer: Frederick W. Cole 1957 Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshirenorth wall of the north transept | |
Stations of the Cross artist: Sisters of Turvey Abbey publisher: McCrimmon Publishing Company Ltd Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire nave | |
New Testament Saints designer: John Winbolt about 1916 Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshirenave | |
The Tree of Jesse artist: Helen Whittaker 2016 Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshireeast wall of the north aisle chapel (Lewis Chapel) |
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