Christ Church, Welshpool, Powys
formerly in: Montgomeryshire
Diocese of St Asaph
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SJ22120749
Church built 1839–1844 on land given by the Powis family and paid for by public subscription. The church was closed in 1998 and is now in private ownership. It has been restored as a private home and a public space.
History of the Church
Architectural Description
view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)
view on the Church Heritage Cymru website
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People associated with this site
as architect: Thomas Penson
View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
View this record on the Imaging the Saints of Wales database
Artworks at this site:
Virgin and Child artist (after): Giovanni Bellini firm/studio: probably Burlison & Grylls 1931 Christ Church, Welshpool, Powyssouth wall of the nave | |
Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension designer: David Evans probably about 1844 Christ Church, Welshpool, Powyschancel apse | |
The Ascension firm/studio: probably Burlison & Grylls probably 1920s Christ Church, Welshpool, Powyssouth wall of the south aisle | |
The Entombment firm/studio: A. O. Hemming 1892 Christ Church, Welshpool, Powysnorth wall of the north aisle | |
Angels with Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb firm/studio: A. O. Hemming 1892 Christ Church, Welshpool, Powysnorth wall of the north aisle |
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