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The artworks on this Database are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.

11D3 Christ as adult

11D3 Christ as adult - not in biblical context 74 artworks.
11D312 Vera Icon', 'Sudarium', Veronica-portrait 3 artworks.
11D32*A I stand at the door and knock': image derived from William Holman Hunt's 'The Light of the World' 37 artworks.
11D32*B Standing figure of the Risen Christ in Glory, sometimes with mandorla, perhaps with arms raised or outstretched. 32 artworks.
11D321 Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla seated on a rainbow or sphere 13 artworks.
11D321*A 'Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla standing on a rainbow or sphere 4 artworks.
11D322 Christ enthroned - eg 'Christus Rex', as judge 43 artworks.
11D3221 'Pantocrator', Christ enthroned, making a speaking or blessing gesture and holding a book 12 artworks.
11D3221*A Christ in majesty, making a speaking or blessing gesture and holding a book (standing figure) 6 artworks.
11D3223*A Christ as (heavenly) judge - standing figure 2 artworks.
11D324 'Salvator Mundi', making a blessing gesture; an orb in his hand or at his feet 64 artworks.
11D3251 Christ with chalice, and bread or Host 19 artworks.
11D327*A Christ as the sower - particular types of adult Christ - human occupations 8 artworks.
11D327*B Christ gathering the harvest - particular types of adult Christ - human occupations 2 artworks.
11D3271 Christ as Good Shepherd 155 artworks.
11D3275 Christ as farmer or gardener 1 artwork.
11D3278 Christ as pilgrim 1 artwork.
11D33*A adult Christ receiving the dead into heaven 15 artworks.
11D332 adult Christ together with angels 2 artworks.
11D334 adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc. 3 artworks.
11D334*A Christ with Mary and John - adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc. 9 artworks.
11D351 Crucified Christ suffering (with crown of thorns) 77 artworks.
11D351*A Crucified Christ suffering (without the crown of thorns) 1 artwork.
11D353 crucified Christ (in non-narrative context): Christ triumphing (with crown, head usually upright) 18 artworks.
11D355 Christ crucified on a tree or on a vine 5 artworks.

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Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

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