Noah, Abraham and Moses
from: Figures from the Bible and Saints

  Noah, Abraham and Moses    from:    Figures from the Bible and Saints

Photo © Martin Crampin

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The sanctuary windows comprise five three-light windows with standing figures. The figures, from left to right, are Noah, Abraham with Isaac, Moses, Isaiah, David, John the Baptist, Christ flanked by Mary and John, Mary Magdalene, Peter, Stephen, and the Welsh saints Llure, David and Afan. The windows also include family heraldry and inscriptions below, and the instruments of the Passion above. Noah stands holding the ark, with a dove; Abraham holds a knife, with Isaac at his side, holding firewood in the form of a cross; while Moses holds a rod and the Ten Commandments. Family heraldry below, with inscription surrounded by vine decoration, and shields above with the thirty pieces of silver, and lance and sponge.

technique: stained glass
size: 35 cm (width of each light)
firm/studio: C.E. Kempe
cartoonist: Wyndham Hope Hughes
designer: John Carter

Church of All Saints, Newbridge-on-Wye
north wall of the sanctuary apse

The uppermost light has a roundel with the wheatsheaf (or garb, in heraldic terms), and Adrian Barlow cites this window as the first to include Kempe's signature explicitly, rather than discretely in a decorative part of the window.

The inscription records the gift of the window by Susan Catherine Venables, in memory of her husband Joseph Henry Venables (1813–1866).


For other views of this work click on the image(s) below:

Noah: Noah, Abraham and MosesAbraham and Isaac: Noah, Abraham and MosesMoses: Noah, Abraham and MosesTracery Lights: Noah, Abraham and MosesFigures from the Bible and Saints

Other works associated with this work

  Isaiah, David and John the Baptist    from:    Figures from the Bible and Saints   Christ with the Virgin Mary and St John    from:    Figures from the Bible and Saints   St Mary Magdalene, St Peter and St Stephen    from:    Figures from the Bible and Saints   St Llyr, St David and St Afan    from:    Figures from the Bible and Saints

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Further reading

Martin Crampin, Stained Glass from Welsh Churches (Talybont: Y Lolfa, 2014), p. 134.

Robert Scourfield and Richard Haslam, The Buildings of Wales: Powys (New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2013), p. 378.

Adrian Barlow, Espying Heaven: The Stained Glass of Charles Eamer Kempe and his Artists (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2019), pp. 18, 20–1.

Adrian Barlow, Kempe: The Life, Art and Legacy of Charles Eamer Kempe (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2018), pp. 70, 76–80.

View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
View this record on the Imaging the Saints of Wales database

  Noah, Abraham and Moses    from:    Figures from the Bible and Saints

Photo © Martin Crampin

Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

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