Lower Inscription
detail from Christ with Fishermen

  Lower Inscription    detail from    Christ with Fishermen

Photo © Birgitte Clarke

The artist's signature can also be seen faintly at the bottom of this image.

larger image

about 1945
Single-light window. Christ stands at the right with two disciples approaching in a boat. Angels holding texts above and below.

technique: stained glass

artist: Christopher Charles Powell

Church of St Michael, Llan Ffestiniog, Gwynedd
south wall of the nave

Signed 'Christopher C Powell FRSA Highgate'

Text above the scene:'Neither death nor life, nor principalities, nor powers, nor height nor depth, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.' The text is abridged from Romans 8: 38-9.

This memorial window was commissioned in 1944 by Sir Geoffrey Rothe Clarke in memory of the women and children killed in enemy action during World War II. He and his wife lost their only daughter and two grand-daughters when Flight 777 was shot down over the Bay of Biscay on 1 June 1943. The aeroplane in the dedication appears however to be a De Havilland Flamingo, whereas the plane they were in was a DC-3. Both types of plane were operated at that time by BOAC, which may account for the mistake. The church at Llan Ffestiniog was chosen for the memorial because Sir Geoffrey Clarke and his wife Hilda were close friends of Lady Megan Lloyd George, who lived nearby at Criccieth, and also knew their daughter Rotha. Sir Geoffrey feared that the ongoing bombing of London would destroy all the stained glass in its churches, and so chose a rural church instead (Information kindly provided by Philip Clarke).

The window may represent the calling of the disciples, or a post-Resurrection appearance of Christ to his disciples. Stars and a night sky are depicted above the scene, which may suggest that it represents the risen Christ standing on the beach of the Sea of Tiberias and calling to the disciples in the boat 'just after daybreak' (John 21), although there are no obvious wounds on the hands of Christ which would be expected in a post-Resurrection scene. However, the nature of the window as a memorial window might lead to the conclusion that it does depict the resurrected Christ. The disciples also go fishing at night in Luke 5:5, but this is after Christ has got into the boat.


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  Lower Inscription    detail from    Christ with Fishermen

Photo © Birgitte Clarke

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