Christ Carrying the Cross
detail from Scenes from the Life of Christ
1841 Four-light window with medallions containing fifteen biblical scenes and subjects. Scenes (from top to bottom), left-hand light: the arrest of Christ, Christ carrying his cross, Christ at the wedding at Cana; second light from the left: seated figure of John the Baptist in a landscape, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, the adoration of the infant Christ; second light from the right: Christ transfigured, Christ with the woman at the well, Christ being baptised by John the Baptist; right-hand light: Christ brought before the crowd by Pilate, Christ being taken down from the cross and Christ healing Bartimeus.technique: stained glass artist: David Evans Church of St Giles, Wrexham north wall of the chancel The glass was originally from the east window and reset in this position at the time of the refurbishment of the chancel, in 1914. The figure of Christ transfigured is a copy of the painting of the full scene of the Transfiguration by Raphael (with the scene of the possessed boy being brought before the disciples below) that was reproduced by Evans at Welshpool. The scene of Christ being taken down from the cross is after Rubens' altarpiece of 1612-14. It is likely that many more of these scenes are interpretations in glass of other old master paintings. |
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This artwork is indexed under the following main subject(s):
for other works containing these subjects please click on the links.
- adoration of the Christ-child by the shepherds; Mary and Joseph present [Luke 2:16]
- baptism of Christ in the river Jordan: John the Baptist pouring out water on Christ's head: the Holy Ghost descends [Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29-34]
- carrying of the cross: Christ bearing the cross, alone or with the help of others [Matthew 27:31-33; Mark 15:20-22; Luke 23:26-33; John 19:17]
- Christ and the woman of Samaria: sitting at Jacob's well he asks her for a drink from her jug [John 4:6-27]
- Christ orders (six) jars to be filled with water - marriage-feast at Cana
- descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross [Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53; John 19:38]
- Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, 'Oelberg': Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane during the night [Matthew 26:37-45; Mark 14:33-41; Luke 22:40-46]
- healing of two blind men, or one (Bartimaeus), sitting near Jericho - miracles of Christ [Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43]
- John the Baptist in the wilderness, usually accompanied by a lamb [Luke 1:80; Matthew 3:1]
- Pilate showing Christ to the people, 'Ostentatio Christi', 'Ecce Homo' [John 19:4-6]
- the arrest of Christ - Garden of Gethsemane [Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-50; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:3-12]
- the Last Supper [Matthew 26:21-35; Mark 14:18-31; Luke 22:15-23; John 13:21-38]
- the Transfiguration: Moses and Elijah appear on either side of Christ on Mount Tabor [Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36]
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Further reading
Martin Crampin, Stained Glass from Welsh Churches (Talybont: Y Lolfa, 2014), pp. 74–5.
Mostyn Lewis, Stained Glass in North Wales up to 1850 (Altrincham: John Sherratt and Son Ltd, 1970), p. 97.
D. R. Thomas, The History of the Diocese of St Asaph (Oswestry: Caxton Press, 1908-1913), vol. III, p. 300-1.
ReferencesEdward Hubbard, The Buildings of Wales: Clwyd (Harmondsworth/Cardiff: Penguin/University of Wales Press, 1986), p. 301.
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Photo © Martin Crampin
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