Christ with Mary Magdalene and Martha

  Christ with Mary Magdalene and Martha

Photo © Martin Crampin

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about 1954
Rectangular window depicting Christ meeting Mary Magdalene and Martha outside Bethany.

technique: stained glass

artist: Christopher Charles Powell

Church of St Cadfan, Tywyn, Gwynedd
south wall of the south aisle

Text: 'The Master is come, and calleth for thee' (John 11:28).

Dedication: 'Remember in love Addison Ernest Beverley who died 21st February 1954, and Marion Catherine, his wife who died 14th September 1952. R.I.P.'

The scene recalls John 11:28, when Martha tells Mary that Christ is calling for her, and depicts the scene where Mary kneels before Christ, before he has gone into the town, where he raises her brother Lazarus. In this scene she is not shown weeping, as the text says in verse 33, but perhaps suggests her words in verse 32 'Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.' Christ pointing up may suggest his words to Martha in verse 25 'I am the resurrection, and the life'.


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Figure of Christ: Christ with Mary Magdalene and MarthaSt Mary Magdalene: Christ with Mary Magdalene and MarthaSt Martha: Christ with Mary Magdalene and Martha

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Martin Crampin, Stained Glass from Welsh Churches (Talybont: Y Lolfa, 2014), p. 248.

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  Christ with Mary Magdalene and Martha

Photo © Martin Crampin

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