Church of St Mary, Beddgelert, Gwynedd
formerly in: Caernarfonshire
Diocese of Bangor
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SH59094804
Church (Anglican)
The foundation of the church at Beddgelert is probably an early medieval one, its monastic community still independent in the late twelfth century, but the site became an Augustinian Priory during the first half of the thirteenth century. The church underwent various alterations in the nineteenth century, including the addition of the Lady Chapel in about 1880 by Henry Kennedy.
For the medieval history of the site see Monastic Wales.
view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)
view on the Church Heritage Cymru website
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Artworks at this site:
Scenes from the Passion of Christ artist (after): Peter Paul Rubens Church of St Mary, Beddgelert, Gwynedd south wall of the nave | |
The Crucifixion with Christ in Majesty 1921 Church of St Mary, Beddgelert, Gwyneddchancel screen | |
Scenes from the Life of Christ about 1882 Church of St Mary, Beddgelert, Gwyneddeast wall of the chancel | |
Christ the Good Shepherd and Christ the Light of the World firm/studio: John Hardman & Co. designer: Dunstan Powell 1920 Church of St Mary, Beddgelert, Gwyneddsouth wall of the chancel | |
Virgin and Child with St David artist: Trena Cox 1968 Church of St Mary, Beddgelert, Gwyneddnorth wall of the nave |
Photo © Martin Crampin
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