Swansea College of Art, Swansea
formerly in: Glamorgan
N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.
Site OS Grid Ref: SS65529343
Swansea College of Art was founded in 1853 and became part of West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education in 1976, then Swansea Institute of Higher Education in 1991. In 2008 the Institute gained university status as Swansea Metropolitan University, and merged into the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in 2013.
The present building on Alexandra Road was built in 1886–7 to house the College of Art and the town library.
view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)
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Artworks at this site:
World Piece artist: Brigid O'Malley about 2009 Swansea College of Art, Swansea | |
The Last Supper late twentieth century Swansea College of Art, Swansea | |
Ezechiel late twentieth century Swansea College of Art, Swansea |
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