Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff

formerly in: Glamorgan

Diocese of Llandaff

N.B.Position of marker is approximate and does not necessarily show the exact location of the site.

Site OS Grid Ref: ST18827772

Church (Anglican)

Iron church on this site licensed November 1886. Permanent church by F.R. Kempson begun in 1899 and consecrated in 1901. Severely damaged by an incendiary bomb 26 February 1941. Faculty for restoration issued July 1951. Reconsecrated 17 December 1955.

view on the National Monuments Record (COFLEIN)

view on the Church Heritage Cymru website

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View this record on the Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue
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Artworks at this site:
  Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross
artist: Frank Roper
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
north and south walls of the nave
  Christ in Glory Christ in Glory
designer: Hugh Easton
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
east window of the chancel
  Crucifix with Thorns Crucifix with Thorns
artist: Frank Roper
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
east wall of the north aisle
  I am the Living Bread I am the Living Bread
artist: Frank Roper
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
east wall of the chancel
 Merciful Christ Merciful Christ
artist: Aidan Hart
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
attached to a pillar, north aisle
  Virgin and Child Virgin and Child
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
east end of the south aisle
  Full view of the chair    from:    Samuel Before Eli and Joseph Before Pharaoh Full view of the chair
from: Samuel Before Eli and Joseph Before Pharaoh

Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
south aisle
  Cross with a Crown of Thorns and Chalice Cross with a Crown of Thorns and Chalice
designer: Hugh Easton
Church of St Martin, Roath, Cardiff
east window of the north aisle

Arts & Humanities Research Council - project sponsorsNational Library of Wales - project partnerUniversity of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies - project partnerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David - project organiser

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