St Luke and St John
1914 Two-light window with standing figures of the evangelists, their symbols below. Luke holds a book, while John holds a chalice. The quatrefoil above depicts Cecilia.technique: stained glass firm/studio: Burlison & Grylls Church of St James, Cardiff south wall of the south aisle This two-light window was commissioned in 1913–14 at the same time as the figure of Dyfrig in the sanctuary apse. The corresponding figures of Matthew and Mark were not made until 1949. The unevenness of colour of the glass found in the light depicting St Luke suggests some restoration, which may have been necessitated by war damage, and if so was perhaps undertaken by Burlison & Grylls in 1949. However, the work (seen in the head of Luke, his book and calf, and the lower part of the window including the inscription) does not match the character of their work and is probably later restoration. Dedication: 'Given by Elizabeth Baker as a thank offering for a life's blessings.' |
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