Revd John Ellis Troughton
Curate-in-charge of the Church of St John the Baptist between 1843-64. He undertook the decoration of the church, his work including painting, carving and stained glass.
His paintings from Pentrobin display a close knowledge of the German 'Nazarene' artists of the first half of the nineteenth century.
Further readingEdward Hubbard, The Buildings of Wales: Clwyd (Harmondsworth/Cardiff: Penguin/University of Wales Press, 1986).
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9 results.
 | Angels artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire chancel
 | Christ and the Four Evangelists artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire chancel
 | Interior of the Church of St John the Baptist, Pentrobin from: Scenes from the Life of Christ artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire nave
 | The Baptism of Jesus Artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire east wall
 | The Last Judgement Artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire chancel arch
 | The Beatitudes Artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire pulpit, south wall
 | The Twelve Apostles Artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1845-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire rood screen
 | Scenes from the Passion and Resurrection of Christ artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1850 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire north and south walls of the nave
 | The Expulsion from Eden Artist: John Ellis Troughton
about 1850-1860 Church of St John the Baptist, Penymynydd, Flintshire west wall
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